Hightly influential book by Navy Seal David Goggins about the ability to overcome hardships and how they are actually vital in forming a better, more resilient you.
The story of the 300 Spartans and the battle of Thermopylae, 480 BCE. Gates of Fire is required reading at West Point and Annapolis and for all officers in the U.S. Marine Corps. On the Commandant’s Reading List for all ranks since 2002. By influential writer Steven Pressfield.
A mini-book (90 pages) written for our men and women in uniform, but translates to useful knowledge and mindsets for anyone. The content is largely stories and sayings from the ancient world—from the Spartans and Romans, Athenians and Alexander’s Macedonians. For those seeking to live a life of honor.
It identifies the enemy—what Pressfield calls Resistance with a capital “R,” i.e. fear, self-doubt, procrastination, perfectionism, all the forms of self-sabotage that stop us from doing our work and realizing our dreams. Deals mostly in art/creativity, but translates well into the creation of the new self.
If you're bogged down with stress and don't know where to begin, this book basically grants you permission to say "f*ck it" long enough to get your mind and body calm and to focus in on what really matters. Also, Manson's author's voice is hilarious. An easy, fun and insightful read.
Stoic philosophy hones in on the idea that - in order to live a meaningful and productive life - one must focus on what they can immediately control. This book presents insightful Stoic principles in a breezy format. Throw this book on the back of the toilet and read one passage a day to gain practical advice for a better life. By Stoic philosopher Ryan Holiday.
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