"Training with Jim has been such a tremendous, positive influence in my life. At 47 (almost 48!), I am fitter and stronger and prouder of my abilities than I have ever been. I am able to do things I never thought I would be able to do. Jim combines expertise in the science of physical fitness with expertise in the psychology of coaching. Honestly for me, the psychology might be the more important part. Whenever I think I can't, he convinces me that I CAN, and the results have been amazing."
"6 month glow up! I’m faster, lighter, leaner, stronger, healthier, and happier after making some big changes. Adding fitness to my life has provided benefits that supremely surpass these aesthetic results. Girl in the orange bra is 178 lbs, girl in the pink/gray bra is 155 lbs. It ain’t been easy, but nothing ever really is.
I’m gonna keep it up, taking care of my mind and body are my top priorities these days!
Holla at Jim Davidson Goza, he is the absolute best trainer and taking new clients."
Just had to share this with you, Coach, know you are very much appreciated….. Can’t wait to keep killing it and burning calories. First picture I was close to 400lbs, that was 5 or 6 year ago. Middle picture was last year, September, 376lbs. orange shirt pic was yesterday. 319.
Two years ago I didn’t think I’d be where I was today. I was totally content with eating bad and living a lazy lifestyle. Until I realized these decisions were playing a huge roll in my heath and something clicked. I had to do something about it. I wanted to start working out but I didn’t play much sports in high school and had no proper training. I reached out to Facebook for a trainer. One of the first people to message me was Jim Goza of Jim’s Gym. He got me all set up and I started the journey. The first four weeks were tough but I paid for all the months training upfront to keep me motivated to go! By week four I was hooked and now spend 3 days a week in Jim’s Gym. What a wonderful place to work out with plenty of space, excellent people, and the cleanliness is absolutely astonishing! Jim helped motivate me to keep going and push through to the other side. He is a true motivational warrior! I can say now I feel like a million bucks, my mental clarity is there, and I have energy every day to conquer whatever the day hands me! No plans on ever stopping! Thanks to Jim for helping light the fire, but it always starts with YOU.
I had my reservations about joining a gym; being embarrassed about how atrociously out of shape I was and how I hated how I looked in gym clothes. He made me feel almost immediately better and more confident. I really wanted to regain my confidence, get my body back and crawl out of the horrible lifestyle I had fallen into.
Jim was a turning point for me and was there for me when no one else in my bubble really was when it came to taking my life back. He motivates me a lot. He told me that taking matters into my own hands and showing up anyway was impressive and if I kept it up, I would reach my goals. He honestly got me through one of the biggest and hardest things I ever did as an adult.
Before returning to a fitness routine, I was fearful that I had damaged my body beyond repair and that I wouldn't be able to do what I used to be able to. I wan ted to feel more confident moving my body and getting my balance back. My muscles had atrophied from disuse and I wanted to rebuild them.
Jim emphasizes to keep showing up, so I feel like a success just for coming instead of beating myself up for not being good enough. Jim helped to reframe my idea of what it means to "be healthy," so I do keep showing up.
You landed on this page for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, I assure you, a dedicated fitness regimen can help. I would encourage you to click the button below to start the conversation. You will not be pressured to do anything you're not ready for, but a conversation will help us line out exactly how we can assist you on your journey.
If you're ready for that next step, click the button below to learn how Jim's Gym can help.
(If you want to check us out before contacting us, you can find the "Contact Jim's Gym" section in the drop-down menu.)